Trim foam or cut into layers with precision
The V 111 vertical cutting machine trims blocks and slabs made of PU foam (polyether and polyester) and similar materials with precision. The V 111 allows the cutting of rectangular layers in the range of 5-150 mm [0.2-5.9 in].
The V 111 features a stationary cutting unit, which can optionally be fitted with a bandsaw. Materials are fed in via a manual sliding table. The cross-welded bandknife allows cutting in two directions.
Cut with precision thanks to precision bandknife guidance and bandknife
grinding device
A bandknife grinding device with friction-driven grinding wheels guarantees consistently precise cutting results. The precision bandknife guidance with double rollers ensures that the bandknife always remains in the ideal position even when cutting foams with high densities. The machine features a motorized adjustment of the upper bandknife guide.